Falkiner & Associates is a corporate affairs advisory firm specialising in strategic communications to business-critical stakeholders. 

We work with the C-suite to establish and enhance relationships with investors, clients, governments, regulators, media and the community. 

Our unique approach

Storytelling and persuasion are artforms. In a business environment, they are also a science.  

We believe the most effective communications reflect a detailed understanding of what matters most to your stakeholders and how your business can adapt and respond to their evolving needs. 

We develop relationship management strategies and compelling proposals that are informed by research and insights to position your business for success. 

From new business pitches to market disclosures, our approach to communications is always strategic, targeted and evidence-based. 


We support our clients with a range of services including:

  • Stakeholder and industry engagement strategies

  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis

  • New business and bid strategies and proposal management

  • ASX market disclosures including information memorandums, quarterly and annual reports

  • Regulatory and government submissions

  • Issues and crisis management

  • Media strategies and targeted messaging

  • Media and presentation skills training

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